One More Day On Earth Together vol. 1 Los Angeles (Poetry Reading)

One More Day On Earth Together vol. 1 (Los Angeles)

One More Day On Earth Together is a gathering and celebration of the present moment. Ask Alexa to play "New Year" by Death Cab for the twentieth year and indulge in rituals or the lack thereof to bring in another year. It's that feeling when you're so sad you think cold pressed juice might save your life. Poetry as testament. Jenny Holzer said that we should savor kindness because cruelty is always possible later and yeah, it do be like that.This is born of thinking about how Zelda Fitzgerald learned French between stints in hospitals and then translated Rimbaud to pass the time. It's just what we do to get through seasons of hell and the fruit that's born and eaten along the way.

It's just people in a room. It's just a Saturday night in Los Angeles. It is just a testament to my life philosophy that has come from hard times and hearing elders kindly and sadly remind me that a day above ground is a gift at all.

So let's age like oak barreled wine together for one night.


Nada Alic

Julia Lans Nowak

Brad Redacted

Aidan Arata

Maggie Martine

Mal Young