The Popcorn Project

The Popcorn Project is a film screening experience designed to maximize the amount of popcorn consumed by an audience on a Friday night.

Will Duncan has curated a careful line-up of the most entertaining films and animated shorts from the Los Angeles area, created by some of the most entertaining and animated filmmakers in the Los Angeles area.

The goal of the project is to provide attendees with about an hour of perfect amusement to enjoy popcorn and various other theater snacks.

Showing movies by:

Joey Izzo

Sara June

Dave Goetzl

Katy Fishell

Henry Gonzalez

Will Duncan

Gabe Ross

with a special presentation on Movies in Culture by keynote speaker John Norris.

For more from the presenters...

Sara June: @corpseflour ,

Henry Gonzalez: @henryleegonzalez ,

Joey Izzo: @myfirstvideoproject ,

Katy Fishell: @katyfishell , @sex_is_weird

Dave Goetzl: @yerfdog